Torino, Italia & Amsterdam, Netherlands
Back on the road this morning and on our way. Up at 6 am, showered and dressed by 7 when Mary got up. We skipped Officina del Caffè Torino and for morning cappuccino and a fresh brioche. We headed out by 8, each with a back pack, my with four bags and Mary with two. It is only 650 or so meters to Serra’s but it is still a hike with all this luggage.
Got to Serra’s and dropped off three wheeled suitcases for storage. Ordered a taxi using the Wetaxi App. Grabbed our soft sided bags and backpacks and headed down stairs. The taxi can quickly and we were off to the airport. It is about a 25 minutes ride to the airport and cost €40.50.
The Torino airport is very nice and not very big. We are on KLM, in economy, but we are Sky Priority, so we were able to check in quickly. We checked the two soft sided bags, and with our backpacks and purses headed to security and passport control. Again these were incredibly easy and quick. It was shortly after nine when we walked though the duty free maze.
We now had two hours until boarding. We walked around a bit and then stopped at a panini place and got hot sandwiches, coffee and water. That burned a whole 45 minutes. Then we got the message our flight was delayed 25 minutes. So, we walked around the airport again. Sat down and waited.
It was 11:25 when the posted the gate. We walked to the gate and got in line. We were the first ones there for group 2. The lady behind the counter come over and said we could sit and wait in the waiting area and she would come get us when it was time to board. All of this because the plane wasn’t at the gate yet. We declined and stood in line.
The plane finally arrived and people quickly deplaned. It was noon when we finally got on the plane and got our seats. I can’t report what happed for the next hour and a half, because I was asleep as soon as I got my seatbelt on.
We landed in Amsterdam at 13:45. We were asked to wait and let people with tight connections go first. However, this made little sense because we deplaned and boarded a bus to the terminal. It wasn’t like they had two buses. What was the hurry?
In the terminal we walked though immigration and found the belt for our bags. It took about 25 minutes for them to show up. No big hurry for us. Then it was through customs and into the terminal. It is a short walk to the Sheraton which is attached to the terminal.
We checked in and were old we were the Gold Level members of the day and the upgraded our room, included club access and breakfast. Once in the room I took a short nap, then we walked to the club to check out what was for dinner. The food in the club wasn’t very interesting, although I did have a cup of soup. Then walked to the terminal for exercise. There are a good number of store, but we don’t need anything and don’t have any space for anything anyway. We did stop at Burger King and ad a sandwich for dinner. The we walked back to the hotel and grabbed the canasta cards and headed to the club lounge to pay a game of canasta. It was Mary’s turn to win, but is was a close game all the way. She just kept getting three of the red threes.
Wes finished the hand and returned to the room calling it a night. Excited about tomorrow.
Buonanotte e Ciao, Enrico e Maria